I am immersed in both commercial and residential real estate now, but that was not my start. Right out of undergrad I was expecting to attend medical school, but I started a small marketing agency in San Diego and it began to grow and grow and grow some more. Now, I am so grateful for my cognitive neuroscience concentration and my quick love for marketing, because it goes with me wherever I go, including into this article where I am about to drop MAJOR gems.

I graduated from the University of San Diego as a Masters student receiving my MSRE (Masters in Commercial Real Estate) just over 1 year ago. I learned SO much during my tenure there and it is crazy to be applying what I learned real estate wise everyday, combined with what I learned marketing wise to niche down to professional athletes as investors. That is most certainly not my only focus for raising capital, but they are a good group to be able to raise from and I felt that sharing how I line up meetings with them may help everyone out.

Here is an example below: 👇
NFL Training Camp is coming to an end! So if you missed your opportunity this year, make plans for next year. No literally, put it in your calendar! Then follow these steps:

  1. Identify if anyone is already utilizing your product or service and what teams they are on. If you don’t have anyone or know of anyone presently, create a targeted list of people who you know would need your product or service and place their team on this list as well.
  2. Next, Google “Denver Broncos Training Camp” or something along those lines. Sometimes the exact address will come up.
  3. Package your product or package some flyers and something eye-catching for the player and send it to ATTN: “Player Name” to the training camp address that you previously researched. 
  4. The real tip here is to wait a week or so into training camp as most of the players arrive with tons of packages already awaiting them, and then receive quite a bit in the first week.
  5. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT STEP – Do not send one product, do not send one flyer and eye-catching item. Send multiples and make a note to “pass some of these on to your teammates as well.” It is unlikely they will just throw it all away. They share. If your product has a high cost of acquisition, send one more piece and make a note for them to “share it with someone special.”

Most people would love to be able to talk shop and pitch their product or service in most locker rooms across America, but that is not realistic. These guys are tired, sweaty, and most times want to get home to their families or recreational activities when they are done with practice.
So, this gives you the opportunity to sneak in slyly and let the influencers influence without even meaning to.

What does an NFL player, an NBA player, an MLB Player, an MLS player, or even an Olympian wearing your product or touting your service do you ask?

Well, it gives you clout, street cred, and proof that someone loves what you have somewhat unofficially pitched. It is like planting a seed and seeing said seed grow and grow and grow some more. However, your job is not over after following the above steps. Any seed needs water, and that is the case here too.

FOLLOW UP! Here are a few follow up methods that can be used.

Shoot the player a dm on instagram or send a follow up letter a couple weeks later.
Think about other player influencers that you can add on LinkedIN and get access to such as locker room training staff or clubhouse managers or financial advisors or agents. Building partnerships with them can set you up for major success. Why? Because they will be surprised by someone giving them attention when they are used to all of it being on the players they serve.

👉Quick Review:
Plant the Seed – Send the product
Water the Seed – Follow Up Letter or DM
Watch the Seed Grow – Check to see if they are wearing your product or research your service.

Do you want me to HELP you with real estate decisions and managing your assets and investments?

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Image credits to: beirnewealth.com

🚨 Attention Attention Attention 🚨

I recently spent 10 months working at a W2 position and on that journey it provided several valuable insights and lessons that I am grateful to have learned.

Transitioning from being an entrepreneur to working a regular job was a significant change, both personally and professionally. Before I dive into these things that I learned, I have to explain a few things. I have been an entrepreneur most of my life and I absolutely love it. Growing and pulling and learning and moving and wondering where the check is going to come from and then all of the sudden being stoked to receive one out of nowhere or basically get your own clients. It is so nice! So, my wife and I moved from San Diego to Oklahoma not too long ago (I know I know…everyone says exactly that). However, I really do like it here for now. We had both just graduated from school, me from my Masters in Commercial Real Estate, her from Medical School, and we were moving to a new city with new people and new culture. So, I had a bright idea that with my newly minted degree (I actually don’t think I have even looked at it now that I think of it), I was going to get a J-O-B!

The role was a Development/Property manager overseeing a 52-acre mixed-use commercial development. In addition, I was the secondary property manager for over 300,000 Square Foot campus headquarters and additionally was the property manager over a smaller office space in OKC proper as well.

To give further context, I worked for the property division within a very large family-owned insurance company. I have not decided if I am going to name them yet, but somewhere in writing this series, it could all change. This particular article may be longer though and it is only going to discuss 10 things that I learned and the pros and cons that came with that. Ready?! Okay, go!

The Power of Collaboration:

🔥Pros: Working within a team environment allowed me to appreciate the power of collaboration. Each team member brought a unique set of skills, perspectives, and experiences to the table, which significantly enhanced the quality and efficiency of our work. Through effective communication and teamwork, we achieved more together than we could have individually. Personally, I have been a one man show sometimes as an entrepreneur and so it was nice being like “Hey Bob! Can you help me with this technical issue?” Or, “Hey Ashley! This doesn’t seem right. Can you help me?”

👎Cons: The executive team was a bit dysfunctional in the disbursement of that work. I joined a team that had been together for a long time with little to no outsiders coming in. There were so many operational deficiencies within the organization, I would have to write a book to notate them. However, they did not ask. It was very much an organization that has been doing the exact same thing for a long time and while they wanted the California man to come into the organization, they did not want to see the California progress in that man CHANGE the organization for the better. Another thing that shed the organization in a negative light for me very quickly is the way that they paid the secretaries and the building maintenance staff. The discrepancy is so significant and even without sharing specifically earned salaries, the staff members that we relied on so heavily to make sure that our jobs ran smoothly were paid low. I would give more grace if the organization could not afford it, but they very well could afford it. That was my least favorite part.

Adaptability and Flexibility:
🔥Pros: Transitioning from entrepreneurship to a structured job required me to embrace adaptability and flexibility. Adapting to established processes, timelines, and hierarchies taught me the importance of being open to change and adjusting my approach to fit within a larger framework.

👎Cons: I learned a lot from this. Including notating and reiterating what was said in an interview to draw you in in email form because it is not guaranteed that these things will come about. I enjoyed the structure for a bit for sure, but I would have liked to see the structure that was discussed in my interview actually come to light. That would have made the overall position more bearable for me. However, I was told that there would be a lot of projects and a lot of opportunity and that I would get to attend a lot of cool meetings that would help push my development career forward, when in fact they sat me, freshly out of school and ready to utilize my newfound talents, in an office doing work that I could do in my sleep.

Embracing New Learning Opportunities:
🔥Pros: Entering a new industry and role presented an opportunity for continuous learning. I discovered the value of embracing new skills and knowledge, whether through training, mentorship from people who had been in the position for a while, or self-study. Expanding my skill set broadened my horizons and made me a more versatile professional.

👎Cons: I would say the only cons in this particular position were that at some point my learning plateaued. I was so excited to jump in and get going on a lot of different projects in the beginning, and then once I was basically told repeatedly to “slow your roll” I was not a huge fan of that. I always prefer to keep learning. Always.

Attention to Detail:
🔥Pros: In the entrepreneurial world, a focus on the big picture often takes precedence over meticulous attention to detail. However, in a structured job, I learned the importance of paying attention to even the smallest details. This newfound attention to detail improved the overall quality of my work and instilled a sense of discipline in my approach. I got very comfortable with spreadsheets, reconciliations, aged receivables, and a lot of things that I had never done before. So, I definitely appreciate that component of the job.

👎Cons: I do not have many cons to mention here. I found that the job was simply misaligned for my skill set. I do not mind paying attention to detail as an entrepreneur either, and in fact I have to.

Professional Networking:
🔥Pros: Being a part of a W2 job provided numerous opportunities to expand my professional network. Building connections with colleagues, clients, and industry professionals opened doors to valuable collaborations, mentorship, and potential future opportunities. Cultivating a strong professional network is a vital aspect of personal and career growth.

👎Cons: While the job allowed me to network with quite a few professionals, this is also where the job became misaligned. By moving to Oklahoma that did not mean my goal was to only work within Oklahoma. My goal was to continue networking and meeting people within commercial real estate from all over the place. Additionally, I was limited by my supervisors as to which conferences I could attend and denied one that I specifically mentioned I wanted to go to that would definitely help me grow. I could go on and on about this one too, but let’s move to the next point.

Balancing Autonomy and Structure:
🔥Pros: As an entrepreneur, I was accustomed to complete autonomy and decision-making authority. In my W2 job, I learned the art of balancing autonomy with the structured framework of the organization. This experience helped me appreciate the value of teamwork and respecting the chain of command while still leveraging my entrepreneurial mindset when appropriate.

👎Cons: However, some of the chain of command was confusing. Some of it was just a misalignment with my direct supervisor. I love my autonomy, but I was willing to play the game for a while and be a worker bee. However, when my supervisor started asking why I was not in exactly on time when she would come in almost one entire hour late sometimes, or she would wonder why I was taking such long lunches when I was with the president of the division, I knew that this was likely not going to work out and the balance of autonomy and structure was…off balance.

Patience and Perseverance:
🔥Pros: The process of working on a large-scale development project required patience and perseverance. I learned that significant accomplishments often take time and that setbacks and challenges are part of the journey. Developing resilience and determination were crucial for overcoming obstacles and maintaining a positive mindset.

👎Cons: I don’t really have any cons for this particular point. What I did learn within the position on the development is that I was not brought on to truly show them how to bring a development to life…although that is a skillset of mine. I was brought on to run it as they wanted to. What’s the fun in that?

Understanding Corporate Culture:
🔥Pros: Working in a structured job allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of corporate culture. I learned to navigate and adapt to the established norms, values, and expectations of the organization. Recognizing the importance of aligning with the company’s culture positively influenced my relationships with colleagues and enhanced my overall job satisfaction.

👎Cons: I don’t actually have any cons for this point either. I am super thankful that I got to work in this company culture for a while and understand that it was not for me. It helps when crafting the company cultures for my new companies and making sure it never becomes “too corporate.”

Work-Life Balance:
🔥Pros: Entrepreneurship can often blur the lines between work and personal life. However, my W2 experience emphasized the significance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Or, so they said. Establishing boundaries, prioritizing self-care, and finding time for personal interests outside of work became essential elements in maintaining my overall well-being and productivity.

👎Cons: Although they preached work-life balance, it was not allowed to be practiced by several of my colleagues. Some got calls at all times of the night letting them know that various buildings they managed were at issue. We had to send in for approval on our PTO days as well. Call me a full on millennial on this one, but PTO simply means “Prepare the Others” it is not an option for you to deny me hours or tell me that I will not be able to go out of town for Christmas time to be with my family because you need me to manage an empty building. Laughable at best.

Appreciation for Entrepreneurship:
🔥Pros: Lastly, my time in a W2 job reinforced my appreciation for entrepreneurship. Although the experience provided valuable lessons and insights, it also highlighted the unique freedom, creativity, and sense of ownership that come with being an entrepreneur. This newfound appreciation fuels who I am.

👎Cons: NONE WHATSOEVER! I am eternally grateful for this renewed feeling that I am moving in the right direction.

While I am excited to move on to bigger and better things, the experiences and knowledge gained during this period will undoubtedly shape my future endeavors. I will definitely write more in the future on this particular topic. Expect a few podcast/youtube episodes on just the weird vortex of W2 I was in for a while. Man oh man oh man! 😎

Follow my journey with me. And join our awesome community.

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As I write this I am on a plane back to OKC from a short trip to Scottsdale and I want to share a quick personal story that ties together two seemingly unrelated components of my life once again: real estate and relationships. While I do not subscribe to a lot of attempts in the current educational climate to teach diversity, equity, and inclusion (I believe in each of those, but the way they are framed are sometimes poor), my belief in the power of representation and the importance of being in the room where decisions are made remains and it applies in what I am about to share.

A Journey of Ambition and Aspiration

When I was younger, I used to walk past the business and first-class seats on planes, peering into a world that seemed so distant and exclusive. As a child, I was filled with awe and wonder by the luxury and comfort these seats promised, but also I began to wonder “what do those people do?” However, something else stood out to me during those moments – the lack of diversity.

It was a rare occasion to see a black man or really any person of color sitting in those seats. It certainly left an impression on me, as a young and ambitious dreamer. I wondered if someone who looked like me could ever belong there, yet I knew that they could and that one day I would be able to sit in those exact seats with no issue.

Changing the Narrative

Fast forward to today, as a real estate professional, I have the privilege of traveling for business quite often. And when the opportunity arises, I choose to sit in those business/first-class seats. Not just for the extra legroom or the fine dining, but because I want to be in the room.

I want to show my face and be present in spaces where decisions are made, where deals are struck, and where the trajectory of industries is determined. I do this not just for myself but for future generations of ambitious children, especially those who, like me, were once inspired by glimpses of luxury during their more humble beginnings.

The Power of Representation

Representation matters. When young, aspiring individuals see someone who looks like them in positions of influence and success, it changes their perception of what is possible. It shifts the narrative from “impossible” or “improbable” to “achievable” and “attainable.”

By choosing to be in these spaces, by showing that a black man, a person of color, can and should be present, I hope to continue to contribute to the normalization of diversity in every industry, including real estate. I want to be a part of a future where every child, regardless of their background, knows that the world of opportunities is open to them.

Aspire to Inspire

In the world of real estate and in life, the relationships we build and the spaces we occupy can shape the future. I encourage each of you to think about the spaces you can occupy and the faces you can show. Together, we can rewrite the narrative for future generations and make the improbable seem not just possible but expected.

Let’s create a world where every ambitious child looks at those business/first-class seats, sees a familiar face, and knows, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that they belong there too.

Follow my journey with me. And join our awesome community.

#aspiretoinspire #powerofrepresentation #childhooddreams #businessflight #leaders #realestate

My short-lived journey with MMG Real Estate Advisors was a rollercoaster of experiences that left me both enriched and, at times, disillusioned. As a newer brokerage hailing from the Midwest in Kansas, MMG promised a unique and creative approach to the world of real estate, and I was eager to dive in and learn. I began speaking to them as I was preparing to leave my previous job in development that became pretty mundane pretty quickly, and MMG fit like a glove. Cool people, high commissions, and willingness to help me transition from one position to the next financially. However, my time there was a tale of learning very valuable lessons, earning a little bit, and a bit of getting burned in the end.

From the beginning, I was captivated by the MMG team’s charisma and professionalism. The camaraderie within the team was undeniable, and I was welcomed with open arms. The day-to-day work was exciting, and I relished the opportunity to tackle a range of responsibilities, from calling potential buyers to conducting property tours and engaging in strategic discussions with clients. It was a crash course in brokerage, and I was all in.

One particular project stands out in my memory—the apartment complex called Manchester on May. I believe it is under contract, or it may not be, I am no longer keeping up, but what I do know is I absolutely LOVED that project and would buy it myself. It has an incredible amount of potential. The numbers look great, and I am honestly still interested if it falls out of contract again. Anyways, for this particular property, I spent countless hours on the phone, back-and-forth negotiation discussions with potential buyers, and strategizing with the local Oklahoma team to find out which buyer profile to select and present to the sellers had me deeply invested. The project seemed like the embodiment of MMG’s promise of creativity and innovation, and I was thrilled to be a part of it. However, it was here that the cracks in the facade began to show.

As I dedicated my time and energy to this project, I began to notice a disconnect. Despite my contributions and dedication, I was gradually shut out of the deal in the end. I was told that it was not placed into my contract as one of the properties I would receive a percentage of team commission for. So, that brought a few things to my mind.
Why was I not notified that the property that they were having me work on between my 8:30 am to 4:45 PM hours was just “for the benefit of the team” and that I was not going to be compensated for that work.
Why was I not notified when I asked about making an offer for the property, but was hesitant because it could/would be considered a conflict of interest since I was making a commission off of the property. No response whatsoever saying “Oh, you can definitely submit a bid for it since you will actually not be receiving a commission for this property.”

It was a bitter pill to swallow, and it left me feeling a bit disillusioned with what I thought of MMG. The sense of camaraderie that had drawn me to MMG in the first place seemed to falter when it mattered most.
Reflecting on my journey with MMG, I find myself with mixed emotions. On one hand, I learned invaluable lessons about the real estate brokerage industry. I honed my skills, gained hands-on experience, and had the opportunity to work alongside a talented and dynamic team. These experiences have undoubtedly shaped me as a professional, and for that, I am grateful.

On the other hand, my departure from MMG is accompanied by a sense of neutrality, perhaps even disappointment. While the day-to-day work and the learning opportunities were enriching, the closure of the Oklahoma projects (or lack there of in the end) left me questioning the depth of the camaraderie and collaboration I had initially believed in.

In the end, my time with MMG Real Estate Advisors was a journey of highs and lows, a story of learning, earning, and occasionally getting burned. It serves as a reminder that even within the most promising and dynamic organizations, challenges and disappointments can arise. As I move forward in my career, I carry with me the experiences and insights gained during my tenure at MMG, grateful for the lessons learned and the opportunities that lie ahead.

This is just Real Estate and Relationships!